Hey gang...sorry I've been quiet the past couple of weeks. I had a really good excuse though! Finishing this painting! It's been a looooong time since I've painted something in my "old school" style, but I really loved how it turned out. I used to say to myself, "When things get rough in life, that's when my best paintings would come out." Well here's the fruit of one those times! I also included the sketch I worked off of as well as the detail of the face (which took FOREVER to do. I think about at least 10-12 hours of work alone, including screw ups). The photo doesn't really do it justice because it totally obliterated a lot of the subtle, transparent overlays. Sooo...if you want to see it in person, you can check it out at the following exhibit: Tigers & Jaguars: LA's Asian-Latino Art Phenomenon .
Jerry, that's the bee's knees. Rusty? Damn, that's better than ever!
Makes me jealous as hell.
Beautiful work! I'd love to see it in person.
This is awesome jerry!
Very mysterious and beautiful!
Holy mackerel, Jerry...you're a genius! You did it again... How'd you manage to hide ANOTHER penis in your artwork?
dang jerry, you totally don't fuck around. that shit is dope, biatch! im paying 5$ to see it in person. i wonder if i'll get a discount since im both hispanic AND asian. dude, i should be like queen of that museum. anyway, it's fucking beautiful!!!
bomb diggity.
Oh wow Jerry!
that really is an amazing peice!
I'm really digging your style man!
awesome illos!
dude, great to see your back at the canvas. Your colors are looking beautiful.
OKAY, I have to say, it's even more stunning in person! ;)
You rock! I saw the painting in person at Nickelodeon.
just amazing artwork!
i just sat and stared at this at deviant... i had just written a poem about something in my life that has kept me from painting for eight years and your pain -ting says it all...
i think you are indeed a jesus of sorts, thank you so much for creating and posting this beautiful and astonishing artwork!!! i hope you don't mind but i blogged it at myspace, let me know if i need to take it down, i will do so immediately:
diario en la fuente púrpura
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